How to create a segmentation strategy?

Measuring results: In an email marketing strategy, segmentation allows you to monitor the status of your database through results, that is, interaction with the delivery.
Better understand your target audience and offer them specific information bas on their interests/nes.
Create unique conversations, which translates into engagement.
More new customers and more sales closures.

Retain existing customers.

The first thing we ne to consider before developing a segmentation strategy is the contact permissions accept individually by each of our contacts ( GDPR policy ). That is why it is never advisable to buy databases; our goal is to attract customers, not collect email addresses.

Having said the above, we can now start creating our segmentation strategy. To do so, we recommend:

Having an organiz and well-maintain database.
To do this, it is necessary to have differentiat information about mint database contacts and companies, if applicable, with their corresponding properties or attributes.


As it could not be otherwise


At this point “cleaning” your database is crucial. If you launch an email marketing campaign from HubSpot to a database in which, for example, there are deactivat or spam email addresses, the result of that sending will be a high rate of negative interaction. When this happens, your email account goes into a suspend state since HubSpot takes care of your brand image. To avoid this, it is necessary to create lists in which we identify those contacts that have a low engagement and thus be able to exclude/delete them. We give you 4 examples of types of lists to exclude from your email marketing campaigns:

1- List to follow up on contacts that have cancel their subscription.
2- List to have visibility of those contacts with our own server space for each user hard bounce.
3- List to have a view of those contacts that are not really interest in our product/service.
4- List to identify those contacts who have not open any of our emails in a year.

Collect appropriate information

In our daily operations, we obtain information about afb directory contacts through different means (forms, landing pages, chatbots, etc.) but it is not enough to receive information. We must ask ourselves: is this information useful to me when it comes to segmenting my marketing campaigns and generating quality content? To answer this question, we must keep in mind two key concepts:

– Buyer persona : The starting point of any segmentation is who our message is address to, that is, the Buyer persona to whom the contact is associat.

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