big problem with offering the internet as a holiday home owner and that is that the vast majority of holiday homes are located in what we popularly call “outlying Denmark” or in other words deserted places where the internet coverage is sometimes lacking. A good tool for examining the internal coverage is that the vast majority of internet providers have produced indicative coverage maps which give consumers an idea of how good the coverage is. See also the internet options for a number of Danish cities here.
Mobile broadband is the way forward.
Mobile broadband
has developed a lot since the time when we called it 2G. Today there are three australia phone number data different types of signal types available
which are 2G, 3G and 4G. 5G is also on the way! Before investing in a mobile broadband for your holiday home and thus making a decision about speed type, it is important to understand and identify your needs. We have an overview of mobile coverage with all providers here. 2G which is the worst of connections can almost.
only used for talking on the phone, which means that if the need is surfing the Internet, then it is a bad solution, because 2G is very slow to download data. 3G, on the other hand, under optimal conditions can easily download data and can be used for telephony at the same time.
With a 3G subscription
it is possible to get double-digit Mbit speeds. 3G is also the speed type that covers the largest part of the country with up to 90%. Antenna4G is the new super-fast solution for if the need only includes internet surfing. You can achieve some really fast download and upload times. 4G covers 60 – 80% of Denmark, so it is important to consult.
the coverage maps that the providers have made available on their websites. In Denmark, it is only necessary to check 3, TDC and either Telia or Telenor’s coverage card. The reason for this is that the other cinema cleaning checklist providers of mobile broadband are either owned by the .
the above companies or hire on their masters. The alternative to mobile broadband (Net1) If there is no mobile broadband coverage in your holiday home area, there is an additional option in the form of a company called Net1. They specialize in covering the areas on the coverage map where the large commercial companies do not perform well powder data enough. Read more here about Net1. Their business model is therefore to target their product in the places in Denmark where the signal of the large commercial companies is the worst. These include coastal areas,