Store exterior – safety and security
The parking lot, entrances and reception areas are clean and well lit.
The reception area is lock and secur when not in use.
The cameras are functional.
Store interior – General
The store is well lit and the music is at an appropriate level.
The aisles are clean and well spac
Walls, ceilings and fixtures are clean and maintain.
Display materials, shelves and surfaces are free of dust and chips.
The refrigerator cases are at the right temperature.
Security cases for high-value items are visible to employees and properly secur.
Departments (wine, spirits, beer) are clearly defin and identifi. All stamps are in good condition.
Tasting areas are identifi, clean and easily accessible to vendors and customers.
The recycling area is clean, free of dirt and odorless.
Toalety are clean, stock and regularly maintain.
The goods calendar is up to date and the correct planogram is us.
Seasonal displays are easily accessible and well stock.
Wall displays and end caps are us efficiently and meet contractual requirements.
Items with a large volume and a low border are plac near the back.
Impulse hot spots (near the front entrance and POS) are strategically us for high margin and impulse SKUs.
Bindy ruce advertising returns
The shelves are cambodia whatsapp number data stock (no product openings) and the product has been rotat correctly.
The number of “tiles” is contractually agre.
Alcoholic beverages and complementary products (glass, gift packaging, food) are suitable on counters.
The staff look professional and are easy to identify.
The store is occupi appropriately for the time of day and season.
Employees welcome, engage and make confident product recommendations to customers.
All employees follow the ID check policy.
Employees at the POS greet customers, work efficiently and sell.
Management set and communicat goals.
The staff has adequate product výcvik .
The back room is well organiz and clean
Employees have easy access to product for replenishment.
Damag/outdat topic cluster topic clusters has a dicat area.
Interior safety and security
The store follows cmo email list pening and closing protocols.
The alarm has been test and is functional.
Other keys are stor in the safe and are not left out.