When you make a decision, the reptilian and limbic systems usually come into play. Then, the neocortex takes over this choice, generating reasoning for it and making our actions more logical.
However, imagine that this process is done for any action of our body, such as breathing. No one breathes consciously, it is a decision made “on autopilot”, precisely because the limbic and reptilian brains have already given their opinion.
So, studies is precisely to
Provide more actions taken on “autopilot” by people, but now involving decisions with brands. Now it’s becoming clearer what neuromarketing is, right?
What are the principles denmark email list of neuromarketing?
Reason, emotion or instinct — these are the principles of neuromarketing. When we make a decision, whether it’s buying a product, helping someone on the street, choosing what to wear that day or eating something, the basis of the decision is bas on one of these pillars.
Actions taken rationally are better analyz. We consider the pros and cons of an action, what impact it may have, and what the consequences are. We usually use this principle in complex purchases,
Where the amounts involv are more significant
Emotion, on the afb directory other hand, results in quick and “less thought-out” decisions. When parents are in a store and their child asks for a pack of candy, for example, there is no ne to spend much time analyzing the why is it important for a company to have a marketing strategy? purchase, since the child’s emotional side is includ. However, if the values start to become impactful, the emotional side can shift to the rational side and the purchase nes to be analyz more carefully.
Instinct is the most decisive factor, precisely because it is link to our survival. When we are sick, for example, the search for a micine that will ease the pain or provide more comfort is faster and more necessary.