Google’s event, right? Well, it came up strongly in an epic way! I’ll talk about that later.

Google I/O 2018 is taking place between May 8th and 10th. And here, we’ll take a look at what happens during this year’s edition.

Among the most interesting topics at the fair were Android P, Google Assistant, News. Photo and Gmail also appeared at the conference.

Artificial intelligence
To start off our conversation, it’s good to know that Google already has a specific division when it comes to AI. So, it’s no surprise that the company has brought new things this year. Here you can find ou overseas data t about the page dedicated to showing the new things that Google has been working on and getting to know its future projects.

Needless to say, AI was one of the highlights

overseas data


Gmail and Photos
The news for Gmail was not just about the new look (which was introduced some time ago), but the good news was that a new feature was introduced.

This feature is SmartCompose, it is a smart composer(haha)of words. In other words, you are there typing inhe email something “My address is” and Google completes the information with your data. Something very similar to what we have in Chrome when you are about to fill out a form, for example.

As for Google Photos, what was talked about at Google I/O 2018 was scanning docum . A ents, the abilityite  turkey data  photo and also the ability to scan documents.

It was announced that starting today (8), Google will bring bac . Sk the donate your discarded computer and it equipment to africa  News app. And in it, ic coverage of your news grouped and summarized. I want to see how this will be.

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