Building Better Meetings: Why Your Meetings Should Be More Like Power Naps

When was the last time you walked away from a meeting feeling energized? In part one of our Better Meetings blog series, we discussed four types of meetings to leave

behind in 2022, now we’re tackling ways to energize the meetings

you keep. A good power meeting can be like a good power nap – get it right and you’ll

feel refreshed and ready to take on new challenges. But a

bad meeting can drain all your energy and leave

you dragging for the rest of your day.

Feeling like you’ve wasted

your time in a meeting that was too long, too big or just plain pointless

is exhausting. With more time spent on calls than ever before – video usage is

up over 350 percent since the beginning of the pandemic – it’s important to keep them short and sweet.

If it feels like an impossible

task to optimize the time you spend on video or in conference rooms, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are ways to rethink your approach and create an atmosphere for more productive team get-togethers. As hybrid meetings become more popular, tools for unified communications (UC) and cloud technology are both invaluable and increasingly accessible.

Just like a power nap, twenty phone number library minutes or less keeps meetings manageable and productive, and they should be no longer than half an hour at the very most. If the project you’re discussing needs a longer conversation, don’t panic! It’s better to break things up into shorter meetings spaced over a few days so everyone can pause and come back refreshed. UC software with built-in project management lets you find the perfect time for that next call.

phone number library

Focus on the topic.

It may seem counterintuitive but sticking using telegram for referral marketing programs to a strict agenda can actually lead to the most creative ideas. Zeroing in on one or two topics in a short meeting allows for deeper dives and more collaboration between colleagues, allowing everyone to contribute and really get into a particular issue.

Smaller is better.

The smaller the meeting, the higher the participation rate and the greater the potential for canada data innovation. It’s important that everyone on the call has the chance to be heard. The meeting should be limited to people who have something to contribute to the project at hand. If they don’t have anything to add to the discussion or have no direct actions to take away, they probably don’t need to be there.

Name a leader.

Every meeting needs a fearless leader. They don’t necessarily have to be the highest-ranking member of the team, but they should have in-depth knowledge of the topic and be confident in their ability to keep the conversation on track. It’s their job to make sure the discussion follows the agenda, stays within the time limit and doesn’t go off the rails.

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