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Add lazy loading Lazy loading

Is the practice of delaying the loading of images so that they don’t load until the user scrolls too far down the page. image optimization This greatly helps r uce initial load times, spe s up page performance, and can greatly improve LCP especially on image-heavy pages. Implementing lazy loading is simple: just add the loading=”lazy” attribute to <img>. But never (no, really) load lazy images above the fold.

This will negatively impact FCP First Contentful Paint

Instead, preload them. Or use the fetchpriority=”high” attribute. It basically gives the browser permission to start loading images in priority order. The advantage of preload over fetchpriority is that it is support by all browsers, while the no advertising database attribute will not work in Firefox and Opera. Add images to sitemap Having images in a sitemap increases the likelihood that search engines will find and index them. Which, in turn, will have a beneficial effect on the site’s traffic. There are many plugins and programs that allow you to generate a sitemap file.

advertising database

WordPress has plugins, and Screaming Frog is a good program to use

Or any other analogue. Add structur data Adding structur data to your images will help Google provide more relevant results in visual 3 detailed techniques to improve your restaurant’s local seo in 2023 (part 2) search. For example, you can add details to the product image such as price, availability/absence, and rating. This will make your products stand out in search results, attracting more attention.

Another option is to add these images

To your article schema in multiple sizes to improve visibility in Google Discover and across devices in search – Google can choose the most appropriate powder data size for you. That is, the browser will pay attention to how the image is display on the page and what CSS dictates, rather than assuming that it should a priori occupy the entire area.