contact name: Alason Connell
contact job function details: Houston
contact job function: director
contact job title: Manager and Director of Advertising and Marketing
contact job seniority: Texas
contact person city: United States
contact person state:
contact person country:
contact person zip code: John Daugherty Realtors
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business facebook URL:
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business website:
business angellist: 1967
business found year: Houston
business city: 77027
business zip code: Texas
business state: United States
business country: 199
business language: real estate
business employee: English
Share Relevant Content With Media Figures
business category: houston luxury real estate, houston real estate, houston relocation, international & national luxury affiliates, houston homes, real estate
business specialty: dns_made_easy,outlook,office_365,bluekai,videology,apache,google_analytics,doubleclick_floodlight,opentracker,vimeo,youtube,dataxu,doubleclick
business technology: Looking for luxury homes in the Houston area? John Daugherty Realtors has been providing expert real estate service to Houston for over 40 years. Visit our website today!
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