Home » Blog » “Bigger” Isn’t Always “Better”: The Power of Micro-Influencers

“Bigger” Isn’t Always “Better”: The Power of Micro-Influencers

Many brands reap the benefits of influencer marketing . It has become a vital tactic for promoting brands on social media.

What is the Difference Between Influencers and Micro-Influencers ?

As the stars of the social media universe , influencers have the power to bring a brand to a massive audience, generating leads that marketers might not otherwise be able to achieve. But what if audience size isn’t the primary goal in your social media marketing netherlands whatsapp number data strategy? What if you want to use influencer marketing to reach a captive, niche audience? Meet the micro-influencer, the social media marketer’s secret weapon.


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What exactly is a micro-influencer? Unfortunately, there is no precise definition, as the numbers we mention here tend to vary. Essentially, the term refers to social media content creators who have between 10,000 and 50,000 followers. These are respectable numbers, but not enough for these content creators to become influencers in the generally accepted sense of the word. On the other hand, big influencers, social media celebrities, have hundreds of thousands of followers, or perhaps even millions.

Macro-influencers are stars, while micro-influencers are more like the everyday consumer. While the size of their respective audiences is very different, each offers its own value and benefits to the social media marketer.

And to be honest, one isn’t necessarily better than the other. With a massive audience, you’ll need a macro-influencer to make your brand go viral for some campaigns. Other times, you’ll need to target a smaller, more dedicated audience m y the the company makes payments every week to a bank account consumers you want to engage with your brand. Before you decide whether to work with a micro or macro-influencer on your next campaign, keep these things in mind:


As a result, marketers will need to make a large investment in a single piece of content and bet on a significant return. While this can be a very effective and profitable tactic, it’s not always spam data advantageous. Sometimes you just don’t have the budget for a social media star. Other times, you may have the budget, but the ROI simply doesn’t justify the expense. In those cases, you’ll need to think smaller.

Cost : The larger an influencer’s audience, the more expensive it is to work with them.

Authenticity : As an influencer’s popularity grows, more and more brands come knocking on their door offering them money to promote their products . If the influencer accepts offers from every brand they come across, questions about trust and authenticity start to arise. The audience might ask, “ Is this influencer promoting a product they genuinely love, or are they just in it for the money? ” On the other hand, a micro-influencer may not know exactly how to be an influencer at first, but they have a small, dedicated community of followers who are well-versed in their tastes and preferences.

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