contact name: Edris Takeda
contact job function details: Grand Rapids
contact job function: manager
contact job title: Manager, Digital & Corporate Communications
contact job seniority: Michigan
contact person city: United States
contact person state:
contact person country:
contact person zip code: Steelcase
business name:
business domain:
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
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business website:
honduras telegram number small package
business angellist: 1912
business found year: Grand Rapids
business city: 49508
business zip code: Michigan
business state: United States
business country: 4717
business language: furniture
business employee: English,German,Spanish,French,Chinese,Japanese,English
Impacting a user who has already interacted
business category: workplace design, commercial interiors, education furniture, design thinking, worker wellbeing, research insights about work workers, helping organizations achieve higher performance, healthcare furniture, helping businesses & workers be more innovative, office furniture, furniture
business specialty: amazon_cloudfront,at&t_dns,gmail,outlook,amazon_elastic_load_balancer,google_apps,office_365,omniture_adobe,kissmetrics,taboola_newsroom,backbone_js_library,hubspot,magento,amazon_aws
business technology: The leading manufacturer of furniture for offices, hospitals, and classrooms. Our furniture is inspired by innovative research in workspace design.
business description: