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Favorite Tools: 7 Online Tools for Web Workers

Personally, I can understand that well, because I am always looking for insider tips, apps and services that I don’t know about yet, but that could be very helpful to me if I only knew about them.

You usually get to know such apps or tools indirectly or through lists. Lists like this one, in which I would like to introduce you to my favorite online tools that I really can’t do without in my everyday work and, above all, never want to do without again.

So let’s get started without much advance notice and don’t worry, we won’t recommend the tools or websites that everyone already knows, but rather the special little gems that not everyone has heard of.


Favorite Tools: 7 Online Tools for Web Workers


If I build a new website, it must pass lithuania cell phone number list the Varvy checks. Why? Because Varvy checks one thing above all else: whether the site complies with the Google Webmaster Guidelines .

If this is the case, the results appear green and if it is not. There are many subpages with clever and really helpful optimization tips and detailed explanations.


Since Google is the most important thing for all of us and the Webmaster Guidelines are basically the search engine’s rules, webmasters should adhere to them accordingly. Varvy has been helping me with this for years and ensures that all pages meet Google’s requirements and do not violate any of the search engine’s rules.

SSL 4 Free

No more websites without encryption. But SSL certificates are still quite expensive and often only valid for a single website. If you don’t want to do that, you involve your sales team in choosing a better alternative can have free certificates generated by Let’s Encrypt at SSL 4 Free .

When you register, all certificates are clearly listed with their expiration dates and you will also receive an email telling you when the certificates need to be renewed. This will arrive exactly one week before they expire.

I like all of this and for me SSL 4 Free is therefore the first choice when it comes to free certificates Web Workers.


Of course, there are countless editors for argentina numbers Google Serps. Snippet Generator, Web Workers Serp Editor and whatever else they are called. Slerpee is still better for me.

Why? Quite simply, because the little online tool is simple and pretty without overwhelming me with links, advertising or information. Slerpee is minimal, does what it is supposed to and invites you to experiment.

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