Home » How much money and/or time do you need to invest to make a profitable Amazon business? – Part 3

How much money and/or time do you need to invest to make a profitable Amazon business? – Part 3

I assume you are reading these lines either because you are curious or because you are really interested in setting up a business on Amazon. Or who knows, maybe you are already doing it and want to get an idea of ​​the time and money it will cost you to achieve your goals.

Buying an existing Amazon account

My perception is that it is a topic that is a bit trendy. But it may be that I only perceive it that way because I am in the Amazon bubble, so I am more interested in topics that are related to it than those that are not.

About two weeks ago I also wrote about how to switzerland whatsapp number data without knowing yet that I was going to write this small series of articles. Not starting from scratch and buying an existing business has an essential and obvious reason. You buy something that is already up and running. At least if you have done your homework and have carried out a proper Amazon audit.

WhatsApp Data

Now, what are you looking for?

Are you looking for everything already done google ranks content are not and in perfect condition? This will probably be the most expensive option. Let’s say your goal is a business that generates an extra thousand euros each month. Here we would be talking about 36,000 euros or more at the level of purchase price that is currently being handled right now in the Amazon account buying and selling market.

Let’s continue with the example above. Your resource data goal is an Amazon account that can bring you an extra 1,000 euros per month. Maybe to lower the acquisition cost you should look at accounts that are already halfway there. Let’s say they already generate 500 euros of contribution margin 1 each month. Now, at this point you have two options:

  1. You have already put your batteries into Amazon and you know what you need to do to optimize listings, operations, purchases, etc. to achieve the additional 500 euros per month that you are looking for.

My advice when buying and choosing a purchase

  1. You pay an expert to provide you with this advice. If instead of spending 36,000 euros, you spend 18,000 euros, it may be worth paying 2,000 euros to have an external opinion that helps you choose better and speed up the entire purchase process and subsequent optimization.

Without going into every option in the smallest detail, I hope you have a quick idea of ​​the options available to you. In the end, it depends on each person’s situation. Are you more of an investor with capital, are you more of a solo entrepreneur, or are you somewhere in between?

I hope you’ve been able to get a more concrete idea now.

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