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Is it too much of a hassle to run paid social media campaigns?

It’s a bit scary, actually. When a user complains about you on social media, whether it’s on Twitter or Facebook, I mean, the first thing that comes to mind is “I’ve screwed up…” In most cases, it’s all relative, because it’s usually not that big of a deal and can be resolved quickly.social media advertisingPhoto rights by Fotolia

It often works in your favor that these are existing relationships

These are users who “know” you because they are    uk telegram data    your clients or because they interact with you frequently. These relationships are usually high quality because they have a high level of activation . The reach you have is usually limited by the number of followers you have at that time and the interactions generated thanks to them.

telegram database users list

1 Some users perceive advertising on social networks as spam Why you should advertise on social media despite negative reactions Appear bigger than you are thanks to the advertising effectTurning a negative experience into a positive oneSome users perceive social media advertising  “bigger” isn’t always “better”: the power of micro-influencers   as spamWhen you need to reach out further, one of the first options (for me) is to use the paid formula to reach a new audience that you don’t usually reach, mainly for 2 reasons:

They don’t know you so they can’t follow you.They know you but they    rich data   are not interested in you so they ignore you.They . The bad thing about using online advertising is that you can’t do a segmentation like “I want to reach those who don’t know me yet and who will also like me.” If you are able to develop something like that. Let me know because I will do everything possible and impossible to invest in your company.

What is the problem that arises in this context

The best segmentation in the world will not be able to prevent. You from reaching people in the first and second group. Therefore, advertising on social networks will be perceived as annoying by these users . I have even read accusations from people who called this type of advertisement spam . Even if it is highly segmented advertising that offers them.  Something that supposedly may interest them, we cannot avoid this type of reaction. To understand the behavior, you have to imagine a colchonero (a follower of Atlético de Madrid). Who is shown an advertisement from the Real Madrid online store. This advertisement is shown to him because the platform has detected that he interacts with football content. I am aware that you can segment at the level of fan groups on Facebook.  But even so you will not be able to avoid encountering the aforementioned case.

You don’t have to go to such extremes to generate negative reactions. Sometimes a user may simply be having a bad day and take it out. On a company that shows them advertising they don’t like (as shown in the example below).

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