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Key challenges of our Amazon business in September

August has been a disastrous month. We have easily “lost” 9k. It is something that I have accepted in the past because we earn money at Christmas. We have to earn money every month. That will put us in a position to grow in order to make the snowball grow.

September is putting new obstacles in front of us. Not all of them are completely new, but solving them is becoming more and more urgent.

A ship to receive the merchandise

I thought we still had more time here, but we don’t. I only understood yesterday how serious the matter is. We are going to receive orders from China for a total volume of a small container. Since we are located on narrow streets, the trucks cannot south africa whatsapp number data be parked at the door to unload. This is a problem and we will need a large warehouse to solve this logistical problem, because the orders from China will not be smaller in the future, but quite the opposite.

WhatsApp Data

Getting back to sales level with our former top seller

Our top seller was generating an average of 16 sales 3 high-demand digital marketing skills you need per day without investing in ads. Right now we are not even reaching half of that volume with ads. This puts us at 25% of the profit we were making previously. Two colour variants were recently added. Another problem we are having is that the old top seller had almost 100 reviews with an average of 4.3. Right now we have three reviews with an average of 3.4. We have had no new reviews for months. It is exactly the same product!

Slimming down the structure we have

In Spain we have two SLs, in Germany a few powder data more. My ideas for creating beneficial tax structures have created a monster of a structure. I am a collector of SLs. We have to slim down. In Spain I will have to get rid of one SL and in Germany two more. It will also mean that I will have to abandon certain plans for creating tax structures that I had in mind. I am having a hard time making the final decision but I have to get my act together.

The final stretch towards Christmas has begun. We are in it. It is now official. Getting our act together is an understatement.