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Key Partnerships (KPP)

Who are our key partners? Who are our key suppliers? What key resources do we acquire from our partners? What key activities do partners perform?

This module describes the suppliers and partners that help the business model operate .

Companies are increasingly partnering to optimize business models, ruce risks and acquire resources. There are 4 types of partnerships:

Strategic alliances between non-competing companies

Coopetition , that is, associations between competing companies.
Joint Ventures or joint ventures to create a teacher database new business plan.
Customer-supplier relationships to ensure supply reliability.
AsCs are bas on three motivations: optimization and economies of scale, ruction of risks and uncertainty, and finally, the purchase of certain resources and activities.

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9. Cost Structure (EC)

Finally, the cost module involves the implementation of a business model. It involves both the creation and delivery of value and the maintenance of customer relationships or the generation of revenue.

Costs at a general level must be minimiz in all the 5 most frequent complaints of guests about businesses, however, structures can be:

Bas on costs: where costs are sought to be cut wherever possible. The cost structure is as low as possible, with low-price value propositions and maximum use of automatic or external systems.



It has a focus on value creation, with perhaps premium, personaliz gambler data services bas on the value perceiv by the customer.
Likewise, each business model has fix costs, which are those that do not vary bas on the volume of goods or services produc. Example: the rental or lease of a facility. Variable costs, which change in direct proportion to the volume of goods and services produc. There are also economies of scale, which refer to the advantages of costs as production grows.

Benefits of using the Canvas Model
The main benefits of BMC are around the different uses that can be given to the canvas.

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