In each part, I cover an important basis for getting off to a good start as a founder and later being permanently successful as a self-employed person.
Today I dedicate myself to the foundation of passion .
Passion Self-Employment
Especially in Germany, starting a business and becoming self-employed is often treated in technical and commercial terms. The many specialist books on norway cell phone number list the subject are devoted to business planning, accounting, advertising measures, customer acquisition and the like. This is all important, of course, but it is also very dry and unemotional.
The Americans are completely different. Of course, there are many practical tips there too, but the topic of passion is given much greater importance there.
I believe that passion for one’s own work is one of the most important factors in successful self-employment.
My experiences
I have been working with the Internet since the early 1990s. When I started studying in 1993, it wasn’t really an issue, but I quickly came into contact with the Internet at the technical college.
I still remember the first time I looked up information about the NFL on the Internet. That was a milestone for me. Before that, the USA was just so far away.
But not only that, I also wanted to create websites which of these salesforce competitors should you choose in which case? myself from a very early age. Over the years I have of course learned a lot. Gained a lot of experience and seen countless lines of HTML and PHP code. Nevertheless, today, around 24 years later. I am still so passionate about the subject that I look forward to doing my work every day.
It is precisely this passion that has played a large part in my success as a freelancer. The fact that I still have an interest in the subject over such a long period of time and am not just looking for something new, as was the case with many of my other hobbies, has certainly been crucial.
Practical Tips for Passion
- Find a topic or activity that really moves you and that you think about in the evening before you go to sleep and in the morning after you wake up.
- Money is of course important for the self-employed, but passion for the topic or for the activity itself is much more important.
- If it is one of your hobbies, then you should argentina numbers be aware that being self-employed changes a lot of things. Many people have lost the fun of their hobby when it became their job.
- When you start a business with others, you should be really sure that you are passionate about the work itself. Teams change, but passion remains.
- And if after a long time the passion fades, then you should admit it to yourself and turn to something new.