contact name: Rae Conlan
contact job function details: Atlanta
contact job function: director
contact job title: Director, Marketing Communications
contact job seniority: Georgia
contact person city: United States
contact person state:
contact person country:
contact person zip code: Equifax
business name:
business domain:
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
south korea phone number library small data package
business angellist: 1899
business found year: Atlanta
business city: 30374
business zip code: Georgia
business state: United States
business country: 4775
business language: finance
business employee: English
business category: identity protection, employment verification, aca compliance, risk modeling, credit reporting, marketing data, hr compliance, commercial information, financial services
business specialty: office_365
business technology: Data-Driven Marketing from Equifax offers unique insights into household economics and enables brands to convert marketing precision into customer value.
business description: