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Recovery Mode in WordPress

The popular WordPress system, a great function for catching and correcting errors in plugins and templates has been add since version 5.2.

Ideally, you shouldn’t ne this feature at all, but it can happen that after updating a plugin, template, or PHP version on the server, your website stops working.

How does it work?

The basic requirement for the correct functionality of the so-call “recovery mode” is a correctly fill administrator email in the website settings. The visitor to the website will only see a basic error message.


If an error occurs on a PHP website in a template or plugin, you will immiately receive a notification by email that an error has occurr. The programmer can immiately see what the error is and can fix it directly at the code level.

If you do not program

do not turkey phone number data understand the error, then the recovery mode just mention will help you. From the email sent, you will learn on which page the error occurs and which plugin or template is causing it.

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Enter recovery mode
There is a special link in the email that is only valid for 1 day. After clicking it, you will normally log in to the affiliate program also has a more familiar method the WordPress administration. The problematic plugin or template will be disabl during recovery mode.

Immiately after logging in, the system informs you that you are in recovery mode. Using the “Go to bw lists plugins page” link , move to the Plugins section , or Templates (depending on the error – in our case, a plugin error.

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