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Technical professions of the future

Due to widespread automation of production, many specialists have serious concerns that they may soon be replaced by robots. Applicants are increasingly faced with the question of what profession to choose in order to remain in demand in the future. We present to your attention a list of technical professions that can be mastered now and which will become relevant in the era of advanced technologies.

Robotics engineer
Robot design and repair offer many opportunities for engineering professionals. In fact, this field includes a number of separate specialties, such as the creation of robots used in industry, medicine, home use, and entertainment.

Working in the field of robotics

requires a specialist to have deep knowledge in the field of automated systems, programming, and process management. Moreover, he needs to confidently know the basic laws of physics and mechanics.

Food engineer
The activities of a food engineer are related to various industries. Currently, there is such a specialty as “food technology”, but its tasks will gradually expand.

Food engineers will apply their knowledge of biology, chemistry, genetics, and materials engineering to hong kong whatsapp number data actually create new products, using cheap and abundant resources whenever possible, from plants to recycled materials.

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Smart Environment Designer
High technologies are being actively introduced into the infrastructure of large cities. On the streets of New York, there is a security system that notifies about the sounds of gunshots. Here, a system for automatic detection of fire-hazardous buildings is also used. In Moscow, traffic is controlled by a control system that determines the presence of traffic jams. In Barcelona, ​​garbage containers have been installed that, when full, inform the public utility about this.

Thanks to Smart City technologies

unlimited opportunities for improving living conditions for people in cities appear, ensuring safety, comfort and harmony. The tasks of the smart here are the rules you need to remember environment designer will include the creation of comprehensive bz lists solutions for cities, in which various technical devices will become an integral part of human life, will accompany him at home, on the street, in transport and at work.


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