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The Components of a Dream Job from a Psychological Perspective

Everyone has their own dream job, and at first glance it may seem that there are no general rules or patterns. However, psychologists have identified a number of criteria that have a significant impact on the choice and evaluation of work.

What to pay attention to? Meanwhile, there is another side to the pursuit of a dream job. By getting carried away by our own ideas about the ideal, we do more harm to ourselves and, in the end, having received the coveted offer, we can end up unhappy.

The Components of a Dream Job from a Psychological

advertising database

Positive psychology, a movement founded by Professor Martin Seligman advertising database , lists criteria by which you can understand whether your work makes you happy. Here are those components.

Fascinating not its prestige, profitability or economic sphere that matters. For you, the most important thing is your actions that you perform every day. The Components of a Dream Job from a Psychological Perspective
In order for work to be considered exciting, it must captivate you so much that time flies by. Most often, routine work associated with filling out paperwork drags on forever, but when we sit down to play a computer game, we don’t notice how several hours fly by. After all, games are created to be as exciting as possible.

How can we explain this difference? Why is it that performing work duties does not captivate us as much as a computer game?

Psychologists talk about four characteristics that make your work exciting.

independent choice of the method of implementation

clearly defined tasks ndaries and deadlines;
lack of monotony;
availability of feedback to un turkey data  derstand the quality of work performed.

An extensive meta-analysis showed that job satisfaction depend how a risk management firm used for s on each of these criteria (r = 0.4), and, according to expert  features that are the most substantiated factors in employee satisfaction with their activities.

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