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The timing is not helping

GA4 and its new technologies complicate everything. That the digital ecosystem, with the introduction of GA4, has become more technical is more than evident. Consent Mode, Cookies, Modelling, mobile apps. And now, why not?

The introduction of

The inevitable world of server-side tagging. You haven’t just master a new technology before another one is already competing to be our new essential piece of measurement.

This leads us to a flow of sending data to

GA4 with too many steps. A piece of data must be print on a web or screen, it must be formaliz in a dataLayer, which is read and interpret by truemoney database a client Tag Manager, which generates a hit of data to be measur, which is read by a server-side.


special data

Tag Manager, which interprets

It again, sending several hits from the server to the different tools, so that the GA4 collector finally captures it, stores it and processes it. This is told to you without context and it even seems like a bad joke. But this is the world in which many writing business plans of us are and in which we will all be in not too long.

How to extract data from Search Console using Cloud Functions

This function will pull data from Search Console for the property we defin in the domain variable from three days ago. We do this because it can take up to 48 hours for Search Console data to consolidate, and this way we can make sure that the data is final.

It is worth noting that

We must also specify the value of the service_account_file tg data variable because it is the .json file with the crentials that we sav at the beginning of this article. CONTENTS If your file is call crentials.json (for example) then the value of the variable must be exactly that.

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