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This strategy works best if the old content

Here are some gray hat SEO techniques that people are still doing: Domain grabbing Domain grabbing is the process of buying expired domains and linking it to your website. This practice is popular for those who want to improve their backlink profiles fast and easy and accelerate the process of ranking. Usually, domain grabbing involves buying old domains that already have good backlink profiles and established authority.of the old domains is relevant to your website’s niche. But if you plan on buying random domains without checking if their link profiles are good, it could do more harm to your website.

The process is pretty simple; check if the expired

domain has good backlinks using Ahrefs, buy the domain, then do a 301 redirect of the whole domain to your website. Link building in Web 2.0 sites Today, most of the websites on the internet are what we call Web 2.0 sites. These are websites where users have the ability to collaborate with the webmasters. These are websites that are driven by its community. Why is this considered a gray hat tactic? For Google, links where users have the control of its approval, anchor text, placement, etc. is unethical. However, the purpose of Web 2.

0 sites is collaboration and reward people who

contribute by allowing them to link out to their own websites or resources. Wikihow article Web 2.0 Examples of Web 2.0 are Wikipedia, Quora, Medium, WikiHow, and Reddit. When done right, it could help establish expertise in your niche and could contribute to your website’s overall E-A-T. The best way to go about these types of websites is to genuinely contribute. Take answering questions seriously, contribute valuable and factual content, and never ever spam and leave keyword-rich anchor texts around. Social bookmarking Social bookmarking websites are places that allow users to submit and share their content for promotion and bookmark other content that fits their interest for later reading.

Websites like Folkd and Mix (formerly StumbleUpon)

are popular because not only can you dump your links around but could also get some referral traffic. Social bookmarking Mix Social bookmarking sites won’t hurt your website generally since they typically give out nofollow links. Social bookmarking is actually a good way of promoting new content. A good measure would be to sign up for 2 or 3 sites. The thing that makes this practice acceptable is that you still need content for it to work. But just like any SEO strategy, there are some who abuse it. There are social bookmarking websites that are built solely for dumping links and these are the ones you should watch out for.

Link exchange Link exchanges have been around ever

since Google announced PageRank  canada phone number library in 1998. Webmasters started to realize that they could easily grow their link profiles faster if they exchanged links with each other. Generally, link exchanges are fine. If both webmasters have content related to each other, why not link to each other as resources right? It is when people abuse this strategy that it goes bad. To Google, the most ideal way of getting a link is organic: people read your content, people like your content, people link to your content. Having friends or partner webmasters is good and sharing some link juice is nice.

But if you and your friends are linking to each other

with each and every post you publish, then you have a problem. Guest blogging Guest blogging or guest posting has been around for a long time and it is probably one of the most common SEO techniques that are still being used. The main purpose of guest blogging is actually great. Create partnerships with other webmasters and contribute content to their audience. It is a great way of building good links and to promote yourself. However, there are some instances where guest blogging can be a gray hat SEO technique rather than a white hat SEO technique.

There are tons of websites that were only made

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to be guest blogging websites and are just choose your target audience  used to pass on domain authority. Guest posts with excessive linking and spammy anchor texts are discouraged too. When doing guest blogging, focus on contributing to a website that has value. Don’t do guest blogging for the sole purpose of getting a backlink. Do your best to provide valuable information to the website’s audience. White hat White hat SEO is the use of tactics and strategies that follows all search engine guidelines and policies. A defining trait of white hat SEO is making the users priority and not the search engines.

Your main goal should be to learn SEO that is white

hat in nature. White hat SEO is the complete powder data  opposite of black hat SEO. Any practice that aims to improve a website’s search rankings while still keeping its integrity and is in line with search engine guidelines is considered to be an example of white hat SEO. Some specific white hat strategies are: Content written for the users Fast site speed Mobile-friendliness Easy site navigation Proper and natural use of  and SEO professionals to only do white hat SEO since practicing any other methods can get their websites penalized or banned.


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