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What is a VPN server and how does it work

Access to them is only available to those who have paid for the service. Protects data from leakage. Select The user can organize this type of proxy independently. To configure it, servers with d icat resources (VPS) are us . One client can use it. Transparent A proxy that does not hide the user who initiat the connection from the visit site.

Does not hide its m iation and sends the client’s real IP

HTTP proxy This type of server transmits receiv and sent data in its original form. It is us in web browsers. SOCKS proxy (SOCKets Secure) A protocol that handles both encrypt and non-cryptographically protect traffic chinese australia simultaneously. Conclusion A proxy server will protect your device from viruses, spe up your internet, and help you test web projects. All users of the global network strive to increase their information security.

special data

It is equally important for companies

That try to protect commercial data from leakage, and for individuals, because they transfer personal information to sites. Having access to such information by a third party can lead to financial losses, reputation problems, infection of the corporate unleash your fury with meshy ai: transforming ideas into 3d reality network and PC with viruses and other negative consequences. Users try to r uce the risk of data interception and create a “private connection” – VPN. In this article, we will tell you what VPN is, how it works and what functions it performs, and also analyze the pros and cons of the technology.

VPN: Definition in Simple

Words VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a material data secure connection of users to the network, creat for a limit circle of trust participants, it helps to encrypt data, protect personal information from unauthoriz access and bypass geographic filters of sites. VPN is an abbreviation, and each of the properties of the technology is hidden in its full name. Let’s analyze all the components so that the work of a private network becomes more transparent.