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What about safety?

before the victory of Internet Explorer calm the situation. In an effort to get as many users as possible, browser developers didn’t look too closely at standards and extend HTML with everything they could think of, even if it didn’t exactly conform to the standard. One such case was the frequently us conditional comments in Internet Explorer. They look like this: <!–[if IE]> komentář <![endif]–>and if the condition (in square brackets) was met, the comment was written to the page against the rules of SGML

syntax. Ultimately, the result of the rivalry was that browsers’

implementation of HTML diverg significantly from the official standards. It should be add that even website developers didn’t bother to follow the standards, and it was quite common to use tags and atRapid development was somewhat of a necessity as the Web was still in its infancy and web developers were eager to see what new browsers would be capable of. However, the rapid israel phone number data introduction of new tags and attributes and the invention of non-standard techniques also had their downsides, mainly incompatibility, accessibility difficulties and security issues.

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Incompatibility took many forms

consequences. It was far from the fact that web pages in different browsers, if their authors did not take care of it, did not display the same. Due primary content and secondary content to the then high proportion of older versions of browsers, it was also necessary to ensure backward compatibility. Non-visual processing also ne to be address; search engines or voice readers for the blind struggl mainly with the technology of so-call frames (English frameset, composition of one page from severaltributes that were not bw lists part of the declar DTD. After all, browser.