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What is the Canvas Model and what is it used for?

And the best thing: it is a simple and powerful tool , applicable to any type of business strategy, target audience and company size.

The Canvas Model is a methodology develop by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur. Which allows to develop, visualize, evaluate and alter new or existing business models.

In the book: “Business Model Generation of 2010” , the authors captur this methodology, where the ne to question and reveal business perceptions was emphasiz.

For this reason


They opt for a methodology divid into nine basic modules , which reflect the logic that a company follows to generate revenue. These nine modules cover the four main areas of a business: customer. Supply, infrastructure and economic viability.

Although defining or validating a business idea is not architect database an easy task, the Canvas Model is useful for putting it into practice and creating a business model . This is a “ kind of blueprint for a strategy that will be appli to the structures, processes and systems of a company .”

Do you want to take the Canvas Model to the next level? Combine it with the Inbound Marketing Methodology in this cours

architect database

igital Marketing Course with the Inbound Methodology

Make your customers come to you! With this methodology, the customer is the one who seeks you out, you accompany their purchasing process and you sell by building relationships and trust.

Origin of the Business Model Canvas
The Business Model Canvas (BMC) was born thanks to the similar questions people also ask Swiss Alexander Osterwalder . In his doctoral thesis, he us the term “Business Model” as a reference. Which in his opinion did not have a consensus in its definition. Now, defining the term was not enough for him. It had to have a latent incentive for innovation. Prototyping and collaborative creation or co-creation.

Using Design Thinking concepts


Alexander start with a simple PowerPoint gambler data chart . Years later, it would become a canvas, translat into a nine-block canvas or frame.

In 2004, Alexander complet his PhD thesis at HEC Lausanne University in Switzerland on Business Model Innovation. He maintain a blog and disseminat his work through it .

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