Home » Why doesn’t the education system prepare us for real life?

Why doesn’t the education system prepare us for real life?

You want to know the truth? Then choose the red pill. You can’t stand it? Then choose the blue pill. No one really gives you this choice because they don’t let you choose. They choose the blue pill for us because they assume we’re not ready to know the truth. They may be right, but you’ll never be prepared for the challenges that real life will bring you.

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The educational system protects us by simulating    spain telegram data   an ideal life that doesn’t even exist in Hollywood movies . But it doesn’t stop there, because then there are governments that only tell us what they want us to see. They manipulate us constantly. Most of the time we don’t realize it.

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When I watch the news, I no longer know what is true and what is a tale told so that a few powerful people can continue to defend interests that we didn’t even know existed.

Now they want us to set up companies to create    3 high-demand digital marketing skills you need   jobs. At last, they even tell you at universities how to set up a start-up . They sell you the dream that tomorrow any of us can be Mark Zuckerberg . They don’t tell you that your dreams and aspirations won’t let you sleep. They don’t tell you that sometimes that dream turns into a nightmare because you’re  rich data   completely alone. “Nobody said it was going to be easy” is one of those famous phrases that I have also used frequently.

But nobody explains to you what is really behind it


Why doesn’t anyone prepare you to properly fire an employee when you have no other option to make it to the next month? What do you think is behind an entrepreneur saying that he has hired more than 100 people? Do you want me to tell you? Well, he has fired another 50. Not too sexy ? Maybe, but it is what it is.

The system (educational, governmental, etc.) does not prepare us for real life. It wants us to think that it does not exist. It teaches us to create formulas with Excel with data that is within our reach. The reality is that life is an estimate with unfilled cells where deviation is the rule.

How to bootstrap successfully
You have to make a living, so bootstrapping is not the easiest task in the world. If you don’t manage to attract customers from day 1, it’s very likely that you won’t succeed. Apart from having an idea and putting it into practice, you have the obligation to test it from the very beginning . If you surpass this milestone, you have to plan a prior launch. This is what I’m doing in practically all my projects (the last one is this one ). Let’s go step by step. These are the different milestones that a bootstrapping project needs :

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