Home » Why you need to care about SEO in SEO SERPs

Why you need to care about SEO in SEO SERPs

In 2019 and beyond, digital marketers, like businesses adopting digital marketing strategies, need to be well versed in how to change what matters to them. Oh, and worry about many things at once, which is a must when living in the digital world. And, if that weren’t enough, they need to keep an eye on the future to spot the next inflection point before anyone else and boldly act on it.

So when I see something like this, coming from one of the most brilliant and influential minds in SEO over the past decade, I think, “Hmm… maybe I should dig a little deeper into SERP SEO.” SERPs ( Search Engine Result Pages ) are, of course, the results pages of a search engine, and SEO is, well, you know that by now!

What is SEO IN SERPs?

A few months after this tweet was posted (in poland whatsapp number data September 2018), Rand gave a presentation at a marketing conference. His talk was titled, “SEO IN SERPs: The Infuriating Reality of the Future of Search,” and we urge you to watch every second of the video if you believe what we’re saying.


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Note that this doesn’t mean I’ve started panicking about IN-SERP SEO. Most people know that Google has been manipulating SERPs on a regular basis for a long time (especially in the case of mobile SERPs). But it does mean that since Rand is thinking about IN-SERP SEO, maybe I (and you, too) should be doing the same. It also means that I’m interested in spending time specifically on generating IN-SERP SEO results, and maybe you are, too.

Before you can snag the answer box of your dreams, you first need to know what IN-SERP SEO is (and if you don’t, don’t worry).

IN-SERP SEO is the optimization of any (or all) content in the SERPs that you can control or influence in some way. Traditionally, meta titles and meta descriptions were the main (and only?) content that optimizers and content marketers could control in let’s expand on the above the SERPs, but that changed when Google introduced the concept of featured snippets , which are:

Featured snippets are organic search results that spam data Google manipulates to make them look attractive, and then places them in the most prominent position in the SERPs – yes, above the #1 results!

This is the featured snippet in the SERP resulting from the search “ What is an Android TV box? ”:

For this particular result (at least on Google Canada). The paragraph-shaped answer box belongs to the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). Do some Google searches and. If you haven’t noticed already, you’ll see that many SERPs include a featured snippet at the top of the page. Especially if the query is in the form of a question.

For a quick introduction to the different types of featured snippets and other types of content for SEO IN SERPs, you can find an excellent summary here.

Why is SEO important in SERPs?
There are several reasons why SEO IN SERPs is important. At a basic level. We can use the above example of the search for “Android TV box” to highlight why a company would covet. The featured snippet that currently belongs to CBC.

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