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Your e-shop needs marketing. Do you know where to start?

Social networks, PPC advertising, SEO, e-mailing, content marketing. What should you do as an e-shop if you are just starting out or have a limited budget? Get advice from the head of Včeliště – Josef Řezniček. He presented effective marketing mixes for e-shops on the webinar of our gold partner Shoptet, from which we bring you a summary.


Marketing ≠ advertising

The first thing to realize is that marketing is not just uk whatsapp number data about promotion. This is only one part of the entire marketing strategy, which is based on the so-called four P’s.

Product = what you want customers to buy

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Price = price
Place = a place where people shop
Propagation = advertisement
Your success depends on your ability to excel in as many of these areas as possible. A unique product, a finely tuned website or effective online marketing – all this represents your competitive advantage, which you should start with.

Different channels are used at different buying stages
The selection of appropriate marketing channels is based similar questions people also ask on the individual stages of the purchase cycle , which are awareness, consideration, purchase and post-purchase behavior .   Tthe first one, customers don’t yet know that they want to buy something, but they notice your malaysia dataoffer. In the phase of considering the purchase of a product, they are already thinking and comparing the available variants and models. In the next stage, they buy the product and start using it, moving to the last part, post-purchase behavior. Think about the nature of your e-shop, its assortment and try to think of a way of promotion for each phase of the cycle. The result can be a strategic map that will serve as a springboard for you.

The ingredients of the marketing mix

There are countless ways to engage users online as well as offline. We will therefore briefly introduce five of those that e-shoppers reach for most often. You can hear about the others and their advantages and disadvantages in the recording from the webinar .

… or search engine optimization is one of the most common channels for acquiring potential customers. It includes using keywords, writing categories and products, writing a blog and more. As a rule, it brings the most sales and customers on a long-term scale.

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