contact name: Brett Lindquist
contact job function details: Madison
contact job function: c_suite
contact job title: Chief Marketing and Sales Officer
contact job seniority: Wisconsin
contact person city: United States
contact person state:
contact person country:
contact person zip code: Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation and Affiliates
business name:
business domain:
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
business angellist: 1967
business found year: Madison
business city: 53704
business zip code: Wisconsin
business state: United States
business country: 621
business language: finance
business employee: English
Personalization extends beyond the recruiting phase
business category: student loan guarantor, community investor, college scholarships, default prevention, student loan rehabilitation, private loan processing, financial aid training, student loan repayment solutions, student loan servicer, student loan guarantor student loan servicer community investor private loan processing college scholarships student loan repayment solutions default prevention student loan rehabilitation financial aid training educational grants college scholarships, educational grants, financial services
business specialty: dynect,itunes,google_play,facebook_like_button,css:_font-size_em,apache,highcharts_js_library,mobile_friendly,facebook_login,ultipro,facebook_widget,google_font_api
business technology: Log in to access your student loan account or sign up for account access. Make payments, view loan details and access helpful information about student loans and repayment options.
business description: