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How to be perceived as good at something you do

You should not let yourself get down. It is important to receive feedback in order to improve, no matter how painful it may be. Of course, we all want to receive constructive criticism, but almost always when it happens, it also hurts a little. It’s like when you talk to your little devil and angel in your head. The devil tells you that you are the best and that no one in the world has the right to criticize you, and then there is the little angel who tells you to listen and that you will come out stronger from it.

Well, it seems that in my case the little angel was right. At least this time. The feedback I am receiving on my new consulting project is being very good even though the expectations towards me are sky high due to the track record I bring to the new project. This has made me think. What has made the difference between my previous project and this one?

Have the base

You have to be able to base yourself on something. Having knowledge or better yet experience in something is key. It is like one of the pillars that will give you confidence when you start a new project. I have worked in many similar organizations and I have seen “things.” Even with the passage of time you find patterns of people’s profiles that repeat themselves. Experience has been making and has been making years. When I say that I like being the age I am without wanting to be 20 again, and few people say it sincerely. I have not new zealand whatsapp number data always had this feeling of entering a new place and having the confidence that you have something to contribute and I sincerely do not want to turn back.

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Before you can provide value, you have to a clear objective listen. Don’t make the mistake of wanting to provide a quick solution after two meetings with the client. Nobody likes people who, without having all the details and context, start solving problems that the team has been working on for months or even years. This will not make a good impression, but rather the opposite. Especially when you are young, you have the feeling that you have to contribute in record time. This is not the case and is rarely the client’s expectation. When you are older, you have the patience and self-confidence to wait until the right moment has arrived.

Contribute proactively

And when you have an idea of ​​the situation, you resource data have spoken to everyone, that is when you can contribute. Also proactively on aspects that have caught your attention. Do it in the following way:

  • Involve the people affected from the very beginning. When you develop something new, ask for quick feedback on your first ideas, even if they are still sketches. Having a good acceptance in these initial stages increases your chances of success later on.
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