We can’t talk about new assistive technologies and not mention voice-controlled technologies and interfaces. These can be especially useful for people with mobility impairments.
More and better voice technology
But it can also be helpful for people who get easily overwhelmed or anxious while turkey telegram data doing certain tasks, such as banking. Imagine a voice-controlled interface that asks you what you want, then gives you the results. That does sound more relaxing than navigating hundreds of functions and capabilities on a small screen, doesn’t it?
Read more: Voice-to-text: The future of search? »
Should you keep up with all the trends?
It’s good to remember that your business doesn’t need to be compatible sized step by Step: 9 phases to a successful website relaunch B2B with all these new tools and technologies. However, we think it can only benefit your brand. By showing users that you care about their needs, you’ll create a bigger and more loyal audience.
How to leverage these new accessibility trends in 2024
While it might sound like a lot of work to become compatible with these new tools, it doesn’t have to be. Since most tools use some type of machine learning, it’s good to get your website basics in order. Make sure your site has a sitemap, and a clear and logical site structure. Luckily, if you use the Yoast SEO plugin, we take care of the sitemap for you!
Once you’re done polishing your basics, it might be interesting to see if you can change khb directory the way you present your content. Perhaps you can try a new assistive technology and see how well it works with your website. If the answer is ‘not so great’, it might be worth changing things up.