share the videos on social media ;
insert videos into your blog posts that have related topics;
promote your channel in email marketing content ;
participate in websites, forums and question and answer groups by posting videos from your channel.
Make sure the subject is aligned with your content and is relevant to the user.
Remember not to force the bar to try to rank at any cost. This will only serve to irritate the user, who may negatively evaluate your video and soon abandon it.
This happens because it wasn’t the information he was looking for
Therefore, relevance is the key to achieving good results .
As we have seen throughout cambodia email list this reading, doing SEO for YouTube requires planning and a good dose of strategy. By following our tips, it will be much easier to achieve the top positions on the platform!
Was this article about how to do SEO on YouTube relevant to you? Then, also check out what a strike is on YouTube and how to prevent it from happening on your agency’s channel ! This is because it is also an element that helps YouTube’s algorithm identify your brand ‘s content as relevant to the user.
Therefore, remember to include
Kywords that may afb directory represent the topics covered in the content. This way, you optimize the indexing of ethe video and can use this space to add other information and attract users in different ways.
5. Make transcriptions and captions
YouTube’s manual your e-shop needs marketing. do you know where to start? algorithm only understands text and code. This means that it is not capable of reading videos. Therefore, one of the actions you can take is to create transcripts and subtitles so that it understands what your content is about.
The text that appears in the video while the character speaks is the transcription.